We have been trying to get justice in Pima County Arizona Superior Court since 2005. We have spent over $60K of our own money.
The Judges, Attorneys and Clerks are receiving bribes, favors and kick backs. Please help us continue the fight. We have the
evidence. This is happening all over the US.
You may go to the Pima County Superior Court web site and see the case.
Thought you might find this interesting.
Pima County Superior Court Case C20127045
Arizona is fast becoming a Dictatorial State.
Please down load AZ House Rules.
The Governor,the legislature, Judges and Lawyers are becoming too powerful. This one rule gives Judges unlimited powers
to punish any lawyer or person who might cause them problems. I know because it has been use against me.
Rule 43(i). Evidence on motions
Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated Rules of Civil Procedure for the Superior Courts of Arizona
Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated
Rules of Civil Procedure for the Superior Courts of Arizona (Refs & Annos)
VI. Trials (Refs & Annos)
Rule 43. Witnesses; Evidence (Refs & Annos)
16 A.R.S. Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 43(i)
Rule 43(i). Evidence on motions
When a motion is based on facts not appearing of record the court may hear the matter on affidavits presented
by the respective parties, but the court may direct that the matter be heard wholly or partly on oral testimony or depositions.
16 A. R. S. Rules Civ. Proc., Rule 43(i), AZ ST RCP Rule 43(i)
Current with amendments received through 5/1/15.
This Rule is unconstitutional and is and Ex Post Factor Law. It appears to have been written just for this case.
It changes the Rules to allow the Plaintiffs to introduce evidence that would have been inadmissible before. It has legalized
what the Plaintiffs have done. It also gives the court/Judge to much power and very little control. In oral or arguments or
testimony there is no accurate record kept of what is said done, and if is by phone there are no witnesses.
Case in point; Judge Fields did not tell what point of law he used to come to his decision. He did state any legal presidencies
he used in making his ruling. He also set a date for trial at the same time of his ruling, which does not give anyone time
to file a Demand for a Jury Trial or a Change of Judge or Out of Jurisdiction Judge. It allows for plenty of opportunity for
abuse. Lets say a judge was accused of some wrong doing and he had friend in high places, which could get the laws and or
Rules changed, he could have one of his colleagues delay the case, as did Judge Staring did by resigning from the case. Now
we have a new set of rules in place. Lawyers and Judges know what new laws and rule are coming up and the person who is representing
himself is at a great disadvantage.